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Paul Beaver & Bernard L. Krause – The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music - Mint- 2 LP Record 1968 Nonesuch USA Vinyl & Booklet - Classical / Electronic / Moog / Sound Collage - Shuga Records
Paul Beaver & Bernard L. Krause – The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music - Mint- 2 LP Record 1968 Nonesuch USA Vinyl & Booklet - Classical / Electronic / Moog / Sound Collage - Shuga Records
Paul Beaver & Bernard L. Krause – The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music - Mint- 2 LP Record 1968 Nonesuch USA Vinyl & Booklet - Classical / Electronic / Moog / Sound Collage - Shuga Records

Paul Beaver & Bernard L. Krause – The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music - Mint- 2 LP Record 1968 Nonesuch USA Vinyl & Booklet - Classical / Electronic / Moog / Sound Collage

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Paul Beaver & Bernard L. Krause – The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music

Label: Nonesuch – HC-73018
2 x Vinyl, LP
Box Set
Country: US
Released: 1968
Genre: Electronic, Non-Music
Style: Modern Classical, Experimental, Education, Sound Collage
A1 I. Peace Three 3:08
II. Signal Generators
A. Sine Waveform
A2a 1. Slow-Motion Audible Example 0:05
A2b 2. Composition 0:50
A2c 3. Harmonic Synthesis 0:33
A2d 4. Non-Harmonic Synthesis 0:37
B. Sawtooth Waveform
A3a 1. Slow-Motion (Negative- And Positive-Going) 0:12
A3b 2. Composition 0:34
C. Rectangular Waveform
A4a 1. Slow-Motion Audible Example (1/8-1/2) 0:28
A4b 2. Composition (Using 1/8, 1/7, 1/3, 1/2) 0:35
D. Triangular Waveform
A5a 1. Slow-Motion Audible Example 0:05
A5b 2. Composition 0:20
A6 E. White Sound Composition 0:13
III. Control Generators
A7a A. Transient Generator, Amplitude, Frequency And Timbre Modulating In Slow-Motion 0:08
A7b B. Sequential Voltage Sources. Composition 1:55
IV. Frequency Modulation
A. Keyboard Control
B1a 1. 12-Tone 0:32
B1b 2. Quarter-Tone (One Real Octave = 2 Keyboard Octaves) 0:40
B1c 3. Ditone (Four Real Octaves Played In Keyboard Range Of One Octave) 0:31
B1d 4. Portamento 0:23
B2 B. Ribbon Control 0:30
C. Periodic
B3a 1. Vibrato Ⓢ (Speed Increases As Pitch rises) 0:28
B3b 2. Sine-Higher Frequency 0:27
B3c 3. Sawtooth-Swept 0:38
B3d 4. Rectangular 1/2-Swept L2 0:32
B3e 5. Triangular-Swept 0:31
D. Periodics Combined
B4a 1. 3 Square Waves At Different Frequencies 0:28
B4b 2. 3 Triangular Waves At Different Frequencies 0:37
B4c 4 Different Waveforms 2L 2N 2V 2S At Different Frequencies 0:46
B5 E. White Sound 0:12
F. Transient
B6a 1. Up An Octave, Back To Pitch 0:17
B6b 2. Up A 3rd, Back To Pitch 0:07
B6c 3. Down An Octave, Back To Pitch 0:09
B6d 4. Down A 3rd, Back To Pitch 0:13
V. Amplitude Modulation
C1 A. Keyboard 0:13
C2 B. Ribbon Controller 0:10
C. Periodic
C3a 1. Tremolo 0:25
C3b 2. Sine-Higher Frequencies (S Sweeping S) 0:47
C3c 3. Sawtooth (Negative- And Positive-Going Swept) 1:20
C3d 4. Rectangular-L2 Swept 0:28
C3e 5. Triangular-Swept 0:50
D. Periodics Combined
C4a 1. 4 Square 0:44
C4b 2. 3 Triangular 0:23
C4c 3. 4 Different Ⓢ, Ⓝ, 2L, Ⓥ 0:23
C5 E. White Sound 0:38
F. Transient
C6a 1. Slow 0:08
C6b 2. With Rising Pitch 0:15
C6c 3. ∧∧∧∧∧ 0:14
VI. Ring Modulation
A. Sine Waves
C7a 1. Series Of Sub-Audible Constants 2:00
C7b 2. Tune In Parallel 0:40
C7c 3. Tuned In Opposite Direction 0:30
C8 B. Sawtooth 0:33
C9 C. Rectangular L2 0:39
VII. Filtering
D1 A. White Sound - With Fixed Filters Selected 3rd Octave 0:25
B. White-Sound-Tuned Filters
D2a 1. Broad 0:43
D2b 2. Sharp 0:25
D3 C. Low-Frequency Sawtooth-Tuning Through Harmonics 1:05
D4 D. Composition-Tuning Through 2nd, 3rd, 7th And 16th Harmonics 0:50
D5 E. Swept With Ribbon Controller 0:40
F. Periodic
D6a 1. Sine-Timbre Vibrato Effect 0:25
D6b 2. Sine-Variable Rate And Depth 0:36
D6c 3. Sawtooth (Descending And Ascending) 0:50
D6d 4. Rectangular
G. Transient (Sawtooth With Transient Controlled Filter)
D7a 1. ----------------- 0:12
D7b 2. ----------------- 0:10
D7c 3. ------------------ 0:09
D7d 4. ------------------ 0:08
VIII. Tape Delay
D8 A. Single Repeat 0:13
D9 B. Multiple Repeat 2:55
D10 IX. Peace Three (Recap) 3:08
  • Pressed By – Allentown Record Co. Inc.
  • ArtworkGene Szafran
  • DesignWilliam S. Harvey
Introduction to and survey of electronic music.
All work realised on the Moog Series III Synthesizer.
Excluding A1 and D10, each section is broken down into various examples.
Recorded and processed with the Dolby A 301 Noise-Reduction System.
Released with a 16-page book which includes the musical score of the A1 track : Peace Three
- Notes to the track titles-
Some tracks are represented by graphical symbols that are not reproducible in unicode, especially the following:

B3d: 'L2' is encircled.
B4c: '2L', '2N', '2V', '2S' are all encircled
B6a to B6d are preceded with a drawn line, all in a different shape
C3d and C4c: 'L2' is encircled
C6a is preceded by a drawn shaped line
C6b is preceded by drawn angles
C6c is approximated, but the inverted chevrons all show a different angle.
C9: 'L2' is encircled.
D7a and D7b are represented by drawn lines, slightly tilting.
D7c and D7d are represented by drawn lines with a slight anglearound the middle.

"ARC 8 21 72" in runout denotes Allentown Record Co. Inc. pressing, date following may mean a repress or reissue
Sides A, B and C have a difficult to read initial or signature in runout: R?
disc labels are similar to images from Beaver & Krause - The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music except text below center hole is 3/8" higher
inner sleeves are different than shown: they have Explorer Series and Nonesuch logos and a different Nonesuch address than on the box cover: 15 Columbus Circle
  • Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): HC 73018 A
  • Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): HC 73018 B
  • Matrix / Runout (Side C runout): H 73018 C ARC 8 21 72
  • Matrix / Runout (Side D runout): HC-73018 D-3 ARC 8 21 72